IRiSs Laboratories
Integrated Ruptures in Sensory spaces

Current Research Personnel
for a list of past research personnel visit our data archives

Amanda Dawn Christie
Liminal Image Technician and co-founder of IRiSs Laboratories

Amanda Dawn Christie works with experimental film, contemporary dance, photography, electroacoustic sound, radio, and electronic circuits. She holds an MFA from SFU, and has moved over 20 times in the past 15 years. This transitory stasis feeds her interest in ideas of movement and time as they relate to the geographic senses. Her research focuses on relationships between the human body and the machine (both analog an digital) in temporal space.

Chris Spencer-Lowe
Liminal Image Technician and co-founder of IRiSs Laboratories

L.I.T. Christopher is most interested in the interaction between thought and actual experience, and seeks to use the former to change the latter. After 3 years of being a local child star in Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials, Christopher developed a taste for the moving image that has gone on to consume his soul in deep fried optical batter. He currently shares this taste, knowledge and passion with others as he teaches workshops ad provides intellectual, technical, and spiritual guidance to members of the Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative.

Lukas Pearse
Subliminal Sound Technician and co-founder of IRiSs Laboratories

Although Lukas Pearse is highly trained as a Long-Wave Low Frequency Specialist, S.S.T. LP has been devoting considerable sonic research energy at the IriSs Lab into real-time audio-cranial telekinesis and the perceptual interaction with the synesthetic event horizon. An alumnus of Goldsmiths College, UK, NSCAD and Dalhousie Universities, Canada, he is also as a frequent contributor to many projects as a musician, sound designer and composer.

S.S.T. Tim Crofts
Subliminal Sound Technician

Pianist Tim Crofts was born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and in 2001 received his Bachelor of Music in Composition from Dalhousie University in Halifax.  From 2002 through 2005 he attended the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts earning a Masters of Music in Contemporary Improvisation. Since returning to Halifax in 2005, Tim has been active in both the performance and education of improvised music. In 2005, he formed the Live Animal Trio with laptop/bassist Lukas Pearse and drummer Doug Cameron, a trio combining improvisation with sampling and digital media performing regularly at the Atlantic Jazz festival.

L.I.T. E. Hearte
Liminal Image Technician

Liminal Image Technician E has a strong attraction to positive ions. A background in film and video has inspired an interest in the point of perception and how this allows the artist to satisfy curiosities regarding interpretation and interaction with ones own artistic work.

H.T. J. Jones
Hybrid Technician

H.T. Herb Theriault
Hybrid Technician

Hybrid Technician Herb has a background in technology, theatre, film, and audio. He has a strong interest in finding new ways to explore the connection between the tools used to build new artistic work and how that work is presented the viewer / participant. Especially if that incorporates mixing old (read analog) with the new.

H.T. Rob Tough
Hybrid Technician